Final FY 2024 Payments Released – ALL PROGRAMS

The Impact Aid Program Office is thrilled to announce that as of June 20, 2024, we have made the final payments for all sections of 7003(b) Basic Support Payments, 7003(d) Children with Disabilities, 7002 Federal Property, and 7007(a) Formula Construction for fiscal year 2024. This marks the first time in the 74-year history of the program that the office has completed final payments within the same fiscal year. 

Section 7003(b) Basic Support payments were made with a ratable increase to LOT of 3.41%, and section 7003(d) payments for Children with Disabilities were disbursed at a rate of $1,302.52 per Weighted Student Unit. 

The provided data represents payments completed to date and excludes the final payment to districts that have requested payments blocks for FY 2024.

Additional details are provided below. 

Payment Type 

Number of LEAs 

Total Funds 

7002 – Foundation 



7002 – Remaining Funds 



7003(b) – Basic Support 




7003(b)(2) – Heavily Impacted 




7003(e) – Basic Support Hold Harmless 



7003(d) – Children with Disabilities




7007(a) – Formula Construction, Indian Lands 



7007(a) – Formula Construction, Uniformed Services 



I would also like to take a moment to express my gratitude to my staff for achieving this significant milestone in the program’s history. We are proud to serve federally connected children. 

All the best,


May 2023 – News You Can Use

Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Final Payments

We are very pleased to announce that we released final FY 2021 payments under Section 7003 yesterday.  The final Basic Support proration was 100%, with a ratable increase of 1.51% added to each LEA’s Learning Opportunity Threshold (LOT).  The final rate for CWD payments was $1,175.24 per weighted student unit.  We will release FY 2021 remaining funds payments for Section 7002 in the coming weeks, and then will turn to closing FY 2022.

FY 2023 Interim Payments

To date, Impact Aid has released initial and interim payments at a 90% proration and $1,050 per weighted student unit for Children with Disabilities (CWD) to all eligible districts. Generally Comparable District adjustments are complete and most Heavily Impacted adjustments are finished.

Grantee Satisfaction Survey

The 2023 Grantee Satisfaction Survey launched on April 11th, and if you were selected, you should have received the survey from the CFI Group on behalf of the Department of Education.”  The email subject line is Department of Education Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2023.” The survey is administered by an independent third-party research firm, so our staff will not receive individual survey responses and will have no way of knowing how individual grantees responded.  While the survey is voluntary, we count on everyone’s participation to provide representative results and to help us identify how best to serve you.  The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete, and our success depends on how many of you respond.

Amending FY 2024 Applications

Do you need to amend your original application submission?  To start an amendment, log in to the Impact Aid Grant System, navigate to the local educational agency (LEA) summary page, and locate the section labeled “Applications.”  Select the FY 2024 application submission and at the application summary page, click the button “Start a 7002 or 7003 Amendment.”  For step-by-step instructions, watch our instructional video on Starting an Application Amendment. The deadline to submit an amendment is June 30, 2023. 

Upcoming Payment Schedule

Local educational agencies (LEAs) eligible for a formula construction payment because they have at least 50% of their membership either living on Indian lands or with a parent in the uniformed services will receive an initial fiscal year (FY) 2022 formula construction payment in August at the latest, per the usual summer schedule.

Because of the Flexibility and Coronavirus Relief Acts allowing LEAs to use data from one survey on the FYs 2021-2023 applications, we need to finish the monitoring process for FY 2023 before we can safely say what the correct data is for FYs 2021 and 2022 applications.  Thus, we need to calculate the final payments for those years later than usual, in Fall/Winter 2022.

Initial payments for FY 2023 will go out as usual after the Federal FY starts on October 1, contingent on the timing of appropriated funds.  LEAs who rely heavily on Impact Aid funds to meet current expenditures can request an early payment in IAGS in case there’s a continuing resolution that delays the final appropriation.

Update: The current continuing resolution for FY 2023 expires December 16, 2022.

Initial Payments and Continuing Resolution for FY 2022

Many LEAs are asking when they can expect to receive an initial FY 2022 Impact Aid payment.

The Department of Education is operating under a continuing resolution for FY 2022. The current continuing resolution expires February 18, 2022.

A continuing resolution is legislation enacted by Congress to allow government operations to continue until the regular appropriations are enacted.  The Department has received a small percentage of what it is likely to receive for FY 2022 in order to make initial payments.

Because the full appropriation is not available, we are currently making payments only to LEAs who need Impact Aid funds to meet operational expenses. If your LEA requires an initial payment before March 2022, please submit an Early Payment Request in the IAGS.