The Impact Aid section 7002 and section 7003 applications for Fiscal Year 2023 are now available online in the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS). The application submission deadline for the Section 7002 and Section 7003 applications is January 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. We urge you to begin working on your application well before the deadline. Do not wait until the last minute.
Section 7002 applicants receive grant funds based on the number of eligible Federal acres within their school district boundaries. Section 7003 applicants receive grant funds based on the number of Federally connected children they educate. If your local educational agency (LEA) receives Impact Aid funds under both sections of the law, you must complete and submit both applications. Unlike last year, LEAs must apply using current school year data. LEAs applying for Section 7003 must do a survey this year, and LEAs applying for Section 7002 must use their current year assessed value and tax rate information.
Log in to the Impact Aid Grant System to start your application. You will find the link to start your application on the Home page. Any user with application editor privileges can start and edit the application, and then submit it forward to those with signature privileges. Signatories will receive a task in the IAGS to review the application and assurances and submit. The application is not complete until the signature task is submitted.
We have a number of helpful tools available on our IAGS Training and Resources pages to help you submit your application. In particular, please review the Section 7002 Application Instructions and Section 7003 Application Instructions. If you need a refresher on IAGS account set up and how to complete an application, see our new slide deck, A Guide to Submitting a 7003 Application in the IAGS.
If you have not changed your IAGS password within the last 120 days, your system account is deactivated and you will not be able to reset your password. You can request that the system administrator reactivate your account by entering your email address in the green box on the Get Help page. Once reactivated, you will be able to use the “Forgot your password?” link to set up a new password and gain entry to the system. Each year, some applicants wait until the last minute to apply and find that they can’t log in due to a deactivated account. Applications submitted after the deadline, but before April 1, 2022 incur a 10 percent payment reduction penalty. Don’t let this happen to you!
Update on Supplemental Impact Aid Flexibility Act (S. 2959)
Proposed legislation that would permit LEAs to use certain information from their FY 2022 application on the FY 2023 application has passed the Senate and the House has not yet acted. Should this legislation be signed into law, the timing of the enactment will determine the logistics of its implementation. The application deadline remains January 31, 2022, and if they have not already completed a survey for this school year, Section 7003 LEAs should plan to do so as soon as possible to ensure they do not miss that deadline. We will provide more detailed information related to the pending legislation when we know it. Currently we plan that if enactment occurs before the deadline, we are prepared to act within days to update the application and application instructions. Any LEA may amend their application after submitted until June 30, 2022. This includes an LEA that timely submits its application before enactment, and an LEA that timely submits its application but enactment occurs after the January 31, 2022 deadline.