Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Final Payments
We are very pleased to announce that we released final FY 2021 payments under Section 7003 yesterday. The final Basic Support proration was 100%, with a ratable increase of 1.51% added to each LEA’s Learning Opportunity Threshold (LOT). The final rate for CWD payments was $1,175.24 per weighted student unit. We will release FY 2021 remaining funds payments for Section 7002 in the coming weeks, and then will turn to closing FY 2022.
FY 2023 Interim Payments
To date, Impact Aid has released initial and interim payments at a 90% proration and $1,050 per weighted student unit for Children with Disabilities (CWD) to all eligible districts. Generally Comparable District adjustments are complete and most Heavily Impacted adjustments are finished.
Grantee Satisfaction Survey
The 2023 Grantee Satisfaction Survey launched on April 11th, and if you were selected, you should have received the survey from the “CFI Group on behalf of the Department of Education.” The email subject line is “Department of Education Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2023.” The survey is administered by an independent third-party research firm, so our staff will not receive individual survey responses and will have no way of knowing how individual grantees responded. While the survey is voluntary, we count on everyone’s participation to provide representative results and to help us identify how best to serve you. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete, and our success depends on how many of you respond.
Amending FY 2024 Applications
Do you need to amend your original application submission? To start an amendment, log in to the Impact Aid Grant System, navigate to the local educational agency (LEA) summary page, and locate the section labeled “Applications.” Select the FY 2024 application submission and at the application summary page, click the button “Start a 7002 or 7003 Amendment.” For step-by-step instructions, watch our instructional video on Starting an Application Amendment. The deadline to submit an amendment is June 30, 2023.