Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Payment Updates
Impact Aid has released interim section 7003(b) Basic Support payments at 100% of Prorated LOT; and section 7003(d) Payment for Children with Disabilities (CWD) at $1,200 per weighted student unit. All eligible Section 7002 districts have received their foundation payment. Generally Comparable District and Heavily Impacted adjustments are complete. Look for section 7007 construction payments for eligible Section 7003 grantees and remaining funds payments for 7002 grantees this summer.
Payment Blocks
We anticipate issuing final FY 2024 Section 7003 payments much earlier than usual this year. If you have concerns about receiving unplanned funds at the end of your school fiscal year, you may request a payment block to hold those funds. Here’s how:
- Log in into to the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS) using at
- Click the $ button under 7003 Application Status or 7002 Application Status.
- Click the Request Payment Block button at the top right of the Payment History page.
- Choose the date you would like the payment block to end and choose 2024 as the fiscal year for which you would like to block your payments.
- Click the Send to Review button.
When the request is approved, you’ll receive an email confirmation. We cannot make payments to your LEA until the block expires or you change the date, so please plan carefully.
Amending FY 2025 Applications
The deadline to submit an amendment is July 1, 2024. Typically, the annual amendment deadline is June 30, but as that falls on a Sunday this year, the deadline is the next business day.
Please visit this training page to view our amendment user guide, quick tips and short video to assist you in completing an application amendment through the IAGS .
FY 2024 Formula Construction 7007(a) Updates
As this is an even-numbered fiscal year, we received appropriated funds for formula construction grants totaling $19 million, a slight increase over the $17.4 million appropriated for FY 2022. To be eligible to receive these funds, a local educational agency (LEA) must:
- Be eligible under section 7003(b)(2)- Payments for Heavily Impacted LEAs; or
- Have at least 50% military connected children in categories B and D(i): or,
- Have at least 50% children who reside on eligible Indian lands in category C.
LEAs do not apply for these funds. Payments are calculated using the FY 2024 Section 7003 application child counts. LEAs must use these funds for construction and report expenditures on their next Impact Aid application.
Impact Aid Customer Service Survey
Did you know that you can provide anonymous feedback on the assistance you received from an Impact Aid analyst? Each analyst has a link to our customer service survey at the bottom of their email signature. Please use this form to let us know what we’re doing well and where we can improve!
Grantee Satisfaction Survey
The 2024 Grantee Satisfaction Survey launched on April 4, 2024, and if you were selected, you should have received the survey from the “CFI Group on behalf of the Department of Education.” The email subject line is “Department of Education Grantee Satisfaction Survey 2024.” The survey is administered by an independent third-party research firm, so our staff will not receive individual survey responses and will have no way of knowing how individual grantees responded. While the survey is voluntary, we count on everyone’s participation to provide representative results and to help us identify how best to serve you. The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete, and our success depends on how many of you respond.
Upcoming Webinars
Does your local educational agency have staff who are new to Impact Aid or need a refresher?
Join the Impact Aid staff in an upcoming webinar. Our webinars are FREE and open to all. Click this link for a complete schedule through September 2024.
Topic | Date | Eastern Time | Pacific Time | Link to Register |
Electronic Data Collection | 5/21/2024 | 2 p.m. | 11 a.m. | Register Here |
IAGS Navigation | 6/5/2024 | 3 p.m. | 12 p.m. | Register Here |