THIS FORM IS ONLY FOR NEW CORE USERS WHO DO NOT HAVE AN IAGS ACCOUNT. There can be only one core user per Local Educational Agency, and the core user must be an employee of the school district with the authority to sign a Federal grant application.
Q: I don’t have signature authority and I’m not a core user, but I need a new IAGS account to work on an application or view payment vouchers. What do I do?
A: Contact the core user at your LEA. Generally the core user is a superintendent, assistant superintendent, business manager, or director in charge of Impact Aid. If you do not know who your LEA’s core user is, you can use the “Get Help” link to ask. Core users can create system accounts for up to two additional people.
Q: I have an IAGS account, but I can’t log in and I’m not getting a password reset link. What do I do?
A: IAGS accounts are deactivated if you have not logged in within the last 120 days. Use the “Get Help” link in the menu above to request an account reactivation. Do not use this form.