The Impact Aid section 7002 and section 7003 applications for Fiscal Year 2025 are now available online in the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS).
The application submission deadline for the Section 7002 and Section 7003 applications is January 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. We urge you to begin working on your application well before the deadline. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your application. Applications received after the deadline are assessed a 10% late penalty.
Selecting the Correct Application
If you count federally connected children, select the 7003 application. If you count federal acres within your school district boundaries, select the 7002 application. Some LEAs apply for both.
Getting Started
Log in to the Impact Aid Grant System to start your application. You must have a account to access IAGS. You can find the instructions for creating a account here. If you have not logged in in the past 120 days, you can reactivate your account by entering your email address in the top green box here. Make sure you have all your application users updated before you begin your application. Users added after the application is started will not have access, and you will need IAP staff assistance to reassign the application to the new account.
The application is a 3-step process. Enter the data, review the data, and sign the application. The application is not complete until the signature task is submitted. Applications with the status “Application” or “Signature” are not complete.
If you need a refresher on IAGS account set up and how to complete an application, see the slide deck, A Guide to Submitting a 7003 Application in the IAGS or Register Here to attend our next live IAGS Navigation Webinar on Tuesday, December 5th at 2 PM Eastern/ 12 PM Pacific.
We have a number of helpful tools available on our IAGS Training and Resources pages to help you submit your application. Once you have started the application, the full set of instructions are available to download at the top of every page of the application. If you want to print a complete set of instructions, you may download them on the Impact Aid website under Resources.