Local educational agencies (LEAs) eligible for a formula construction payment because they have at least 50% of their membership either living on Indian lands or with a parent in the uniformed services will receive an initial fiscal year (FY) 2022 formula construction payment in August at the latest, per the usual summer schedule.
Because of the Flexibility and Coronavirus Relief Acts allowing LEAs to use data from one survey on the FYs 2021-2023 applications, we need to finish the monitoring process for FY 2023 before we can safely say what the correct data is for FYs 2021 and 2022 applications. Thus, we need to calculate the final payments for those years later than usual, in Fall/Winter 2022.
Initial payments for FY 2023 will go out as usual after the Federal FY starts on October 1, contingent on the timing of appropriated funds. LEAs who rely heavily on Impact Aid funds to meet current expenditures can request an early payment in IAGS in case there’s a continuing resolution that delays the final appropriation.
Update: The current continuing resolution for FY 2023 expires December 16, 2022.